Damian Rants

Friday, 1 August 2008

Braces Off

After 8 months I finally had my braces removed today.

My teeth look perfect, but I am full of resentment.

Is it resentment at the dirty indian cunt (still at large) who caused the damage to my teeth in the first place?

Or am I resentful at the £2500 I've had to pay to my orthodontist, another indian (not so cunty), to fix the problem. Could this be some sort of indian racket hatched over a pack of bombay mix? "You damage - I fix - We split money and eat curry..."

Or do I resent the fact that without braces I stand the chance of maybe looking my age? They did make me look 10 years younger (25) and with the blond hair taking off another ten years (15) and the perma-tan another 10 (5) where am I now?

Maths never was my strong suit.

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