Damian Rants

Monday, 25 August 2008

Spoken Word of the Week

You may know by now that one of my heroes is Horatio Caine, the perma-laid back lead CSI from the best of the franchise CSI:Miami.
To demonstrate why he is my idol, and to highlight his general coolness to those of you that may be missing out here are two stunning verbalities muttered by Horatio in Season 6, Episode 3...

A female District Attorney has just told Horatio that she will be trying his son as an adult for the crime of kidnapping, she is not aware that Horatio is the father.
Female District Attorney: Why do you care so much?
Horatio: I care (beat-beat-beat) because it's my jooooob.

And then it got better when Horatio and Delko were interviewing an inmate about the whereabouts of Horatio's son, who had mysteriously gone missing within the maximum security prison where he was being held with murderers and drug dealers while awaiting trial.
Horatio: If I find out that those scratches on your arm are from my son (beat-beat-beat) I will come back to this room (beat-beat-beat) and you (beat) will leave (beat) in a bagggggggg.

It doesn't get much better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feel good......